February 21, 2024 - May 15, 2024Time
North Campus Rm B307Contact
Kristen Jeffries
Mom Set Free – A Study for Moms of JHigh and High School Students
As moms, we’re under constant pressure. We have to get it right in all areas of life—work, home, family, and faith—because our children’s futures hinge on our ability to perfectly orchestrate the present.
But those impossible standards leave us oscillating between worry, fear, anger, and shame. They threaten to steal all the wonder from parenting, life, and our personal relationship with God.
In this 7-session study, discover how the gospel message can empower you to parent in the freedom of God’s sovereignty. So that you can breathe deeper, walk lighter, and enjoy your children—and the parenting journey—more than ever before.
Books can be purchased by clicking here.
Wednesdays – 6:15 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. – Room B307
Begins Wednesday, February 21.
Led by Kristen Jeffries
Childcare available BY RESERVATION ONLY for ages birth through 3 years old by Sept. 1, 2023. Older children will need to be enrolled in AWANA. Please email Kristen Jeffries to reserve your childcare spot. kjeffries@second.org