September 14, 2024 - September 14, 2024Time
Woodway, West, North, South, 1463, CypressLocation
Woodway Campus - Woodway VillageContact
Sandra Flato
$75 per personMarriagePrep is a workshop open to couples of all ages and denominations who are seriously dating, engaged or newly married. The class consists of lectures, activities and discussions. All discussions are between the couple and answers are not shared with fellow participants or leaders.
Each person will be invited to complete the SYMBIS Assessment before class. Results will be distributed at the end of class.
The cost is $75 per person ($150/couple) which includes the SYMBIS Assessment fee, breakfast and snacks. If both members of the couple attend all sessions of the Marriage Prep Workshop, you will receive a certificate good for a discounted marriage license (a $60 value) in any county in the state of Texas (nominal administration fees still apply in some counties).